Wednesday, October 14, 2009

just the way things go

exams are nearing!

pretty close actually, just a bit over two weeks for me. exam timetable: 29th concrete, 10th traffic, 11th computing, 18th geo. Pretty nice spread, but at the same time it's going to make me study for week!? (the question mark is disbelieving)

I'm pretty flustered at the moment, so I'm taking the time to write a blog post to iron it all out. Breathing in...breathing out...

Uni assignments are still going on =_= most of them will be finished this friday, but still have TWO presentations next week. Crazy lecturers! Give us a break, need time to study. Hopefully I've still retained some oral skills from the past (haven't done a presentation in ages), so I won't put too much prep into it.

I've got two birthday things coming up, one of them a 21st. Probably can only afford part attendance in them, which sucks, but that's how it is during exams I guess. They're right after each other too, so I'll feel way to guilty if I go to both for long.

Also have my ISV trip to finish planning. Got the final invoice, total'd up to a whopping 4k, from the initial 3k estimate. But it should be worth it hopefully. Still need to get my passport, some paperwork and insurance to finish though, ugh.

Just gotta balance in studying with all this and work as well. I hate exam time, you just feel like anything you do, you could be studying (even if you really wouldn't). the 18th can't come fast enough!

You'll see I'm keeping a holiday list on the side. Funny how you always think of things to do at the peak time you shouldn't be. =]

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE. See you on the other side.


1 comment:

Ritzy said...


it seems uni life = exams, endless sleepy lectures, and PARTIES! many postponed so they all pack into the same week -> wallet ouchies XD


all the best with your exams!!!!