Saturday, December 26, 2009

merry christmas !

the above picture from christmas house lights hunting.

merry christmas, a day late. just a short blurry post from work. Just got up from my work nap.

yesterday, traditional christmas lunch. I think my mum loves cooking huge amounts of food, the domestic feeling. she gets us to invite friends over, this year it was my mostly my brother's church friends. got up at 8AM, and opened present with my family, then started cooking the 13-person meal...actually it was more than that, cause we have tons of leftovers.

anyway, we had a large ham leg my dad always gets from work, a turkey, roast vegetables, prawns, asparagus and then several desserts. it was quite a feast, and thanks to ling who came over and helped us eat. we also played scattergories afterwards, which I suck at, and ling tries to play too many illegal ones (like catepie for insects)

i'll post up pictures if I see any taken by my brother.

merry christmas everyone, hope everyone had a safe and fun filled celebration,


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