Saturday, December 5, 2009

tang / uni results

posting in the early morning is not something I want to be a habit. Was almost late to work, just rolled out of bed and ran to the car, changing, brushing teeth and grabbing a bowl for 2min noodles on the way. ugh.

first off, happy birthday janice tang =] finially 19, man so young still. hope you have a great day, sleeping in, eating lots of food, napping, eating more food etc.

second off, uni results came out thursday night. I was really surprised how high the scores were:
computing: 94, geo: 69, concrete: 75, traffic: 75
I was really expecting P's C's, even maybe a fail. I really wish they had slapped me somehow though. I didn't really study that well this semester, and I can't help feeling a little invincible. My studying has slowly degrading, and yet I haven't failed anything yet. So the whole cycle will begin next year.

anyway, horrah to passing everything =]
back to work,


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