Friday, July 8, 2011

In parii

Greetings from Paris! I realized I havent been online for awhile , but I figured this is a good thing. There were a few opportunities to get online but I did want to go out of way to get on. Nice break from dependancy on the Internet. I gave in when my friend offered his iPad for me to use with the hotels free wifi. Pardon any grammar or typos for this post.

It's two days away from the end of the tour. I wont go into too much details, as I'm pretty tired and we're getting up early to go to the Lourve. but it has been really fun. As I type I'm sitting next to my new good friends, Jo and nardia and a singapore couple milton and Sarah, both who remind me of Jason a lot. I'm going to write out and post pictures when i get back to London of what I've been up to. But have been seeing many grand and historical things in Europe, it's amazing.

Mainly just wanting to say im alive and well, no dramas yet. Should be arriving back in London around 6pm on Saturday. Haven't done much shopping so that's what I'll be doing for the four days I'm in London.



jason said...

lol what??

Ritzy said...

woaH really? two days til the end. that was so quick XD