Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How things change

Total Volume of Water in Melbourne Water Storages

I was watching the news today with my mum, and the weather report came on. Water storage levels are at an amazing 60%. Well, maybe it's not suppose to be amazing, but I'm sure for most of my friends it must sound amazing.

I'm referring to the times when we would open the herald sun in our free periods at school, to watch ling, sidney and matt tear through the brain teasers, but would first notice the little blue rectangle at the front (or was it the inside of the front page?) that would tell us our dire our water situation was today. 21.5%. 16%. Down down the levels went (just like prices are down at coles :D (we all hate that ad, mostly because there are giant hands pointing down all over at our workplace) anyway I digress).

And now, here we are, four odd years later and levels are back up. I have a feeling I'm more water conscience because of that water drought that I grew up. But the point is, how things change over time. Look at the graph above!

Anyway, I know I promised Europe posts, and I do have London almost done in a word doc. I want to photoshop some photos together though, cause blogger is really bad at showing photos.

In other news!
For those who don't know, I have gotten part time work at a civil construction firm! Hurray! The firm is called Civil EX, and unfortunately based in Hopper's Crossing. So yes, I will be making the long one hour and a bit trek across the west gate bridge to go there. Could be worse (like not having a job and staying at the call center forever worse!!!).

They pay pretty decently, 22 an hour, and the experience is worth way more than that. They have also mentioned full time work after uni, so it's something to fall back on! I've committed to every Thursday, and maybe Friday's when uni workload allows. I've also arranged to cut back on CSC hours to a mere 12 hours a week =] I start on Thursday, so I'll let you know how I go.

How I got the job? Well, it was (as is everything in my very early career life) by referral of course. My uni friend David Blamey mentioned me to one of the owner's of the company (there are three, and some history behind which I might share later) when he asked if he knew anyone who wanted to do part time work while studying. The funny thing is, we are not best pals or anything. I first met him in second year and helped him out with some computer stuff, so I'm good friends with him and his group. We help each other out with uni projects too. But I did not expect him to go out of his way to think of me when this opportunity came up. Just goes to show that if you treat your friends right, they will return it!

My dad mentioned that I have a pretty balanced life style now, and I have to agree. Hopefully badminton will continue to be regular on Sunday's and I'm sure I'll be able to cram more than one social event now and then. Things are looking pretty good.


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