Sunday, October 4, 2009

skittles awaaaay

just wanted to see what blogging at 2 am turn out to be. (edit: added some amusing pictures of myself...i don't know what happened in the first one but its hilarious LOL)

just got back from celebrating loretta's 21st, from my baker's delight group. I can't believe I half didn't want to go, and couldn't be bothered wanting to catch trains in and out. It was SO WORTH IT. I think I've gotten laziness syndrome.

we went to Precinct in richmond, cause lor's new living town house is there. Half way there, I remembered that I had to wear 'dressy' shoes, else they wouldn't let me in..and of course I was wearing my chucks. So I got my dad to swap shoes with me LOL and hey, it worked out okay except a few blisters.

it's actually a nice place, separate areas for bar, lounge and dance floor. We hung out in all three, it was awesome. DRINK COUNT: 3 skittlebombs (SO GOOD), 1 light beer (disgusting) 1 vodka shot (fire in my mouth again!) 2 and a bit of Smirnoffs. I got the heavy head again, but I thought I did pretty well tonight! Getting better hopefully.

I don't know what's so different about going out with my baker crew...I should feel more comfortable letting go with my usual group, but somehow I don't. I can dance and look like a complete fool and not care with the baker group, and they make me feel OK! I love hanging out with them, all the girls are beautiful and all the guys are awesome (not to say my usual group isn't ;D) Can't wait til the next time we go out!

crash burn and die time. I will update this posts when pictures go up on facebook. There are some embarrassing ones I think.



jason said...

omg hahahahaha

timtamz said...

NICEEEE!! thats the sprit! ahha

jediteoh said...

WOO hahaha :D

fmatt said...

your mouth is wide open in all three photos.... :D yeah like that lolll