two down, two to go my friends.
I spent today mostly relaxing, sleeping and watching the news. I only just heard about the wild teenager running around with a shotgun in Richmond, crazy stuff. I also caught up with news about the oil spill - I'm interested to hear my friends reaction to this, as it's not really discussed in public. Frankly, it's pretty damn shocking, especially after you see the oil spilled covered birds and such.
At the moment, BP's got a cap sucking up more or less half of the leak, but there's still at least 25 000 barrels of oil being leaked every day. crazy. This is what the oil spill will look like soon, as ocean currents carry it to the Atlantic =[
there was an interesting article on ideas from the public of how to plug it and why they wouldn't work listed
here. I personally like the epoxy warhead
lol. Cause blowing stuff up
always works. (yes, sarcasm)
In other news, the missing plane with 6 mining personnel in the western regions of Africa, including chairman on the company Sundance and a billionaire. Apparently flights in the mining industry are quite hazardously usually, I guess cause you go out to the rural areas for the mine. Poor families of those 6 people, I wish all the best with the search and rescue effort.
However! I was thinking. Strange timing for this to happen isn't it. With the whole Super-Profit Tax mining thing happening that I hear on the radio. You know what. I think it's CONSPIRACY THEORY TIME. Mind you, it's most likely full of holes, as I don't know much about the current mining tax or how mining works in Australia, but let's have fun anyway.
Looking at, and doing a quick google, reveals that at least 4 of the missing personnel's have past ties to large mining companies, such as BP and Macarthur. Sundance is not listed under MCA (Mining Council of Australia), but I'm pretty sure they get effected by the tax too (although most of their mining is based in Africa, so I dunno how that works).
Anyway! Assuming all of that holds true, this could all be part of a big conspiracy to undermine mining companies so that the mining tax goes through. Imagine, you're a big CEO of Teoh Mining Co., earning billions about to get cut by 58% (I saw this figure on the website, not sure how it applies lol). Of course, you fight the tax. Then, after a dinner of watching the news, of a 'mysterious' explosion and then suddenly a missing plane full of CEO and billionaires, you start to think, hmm. Then, unknown to the public, you get a letter. IT COULD BE YOU NEXT. After a few sleepless nights, you decide to withdraw your support in the pention against the government.
Yeah, think about it. And think about investing in Teoh Mining Co. as well, their shares are well up (or will be when you give me money).