Monday, September 13, 2010

the world needs a slap in the face

It took me a long time to motivate myself to write a post. I had a few times when I would open up blogger, but then get distracted with starcraft 2 or just sleep.

Instead of an update post, this is about a tv show I watched on SBS the other day. It's called Insight, and the topic was global warming. They had a professor from harvard trying to pitch global warming to an audience of skeptics. It turned into a somewhat public debate forum.

At first, I was tempted just to switch it off. Having a professor rattle of research jargon to an audience isn't really going to help convince them; he just doesn't have the charisma to influence them positively. On the other hand, the skeptics just didn't seem to want to be convinced either. That just seems the way we are, once we get an idea into our head, it's very hard to change our mindsets. There was this one doctor, who was very aggressive, and even though the professor seem to address it very well, kept just shouting over him going "you're not answering the question!".

But then I realised the whole point wasn't turning people about, but more about getting people's opinions and concerns out there. Some of the skeptics had some very good point, in terms of questioning data and whether small changes would warrant a large economic change. It was good to get the other side's point of view. So it turned out to be an interesting show.

On the topic of global warming however, I still stand by my opinion (see what I mean about stubbornness?) . Global warming is definitely being caused by us; an interesting point someone made is that global warming is actually natural and all we're doing is accelerating it (which is also bad anyway). An economic pricing on it is not going to change people's lifestyle or opinion about it. It'll probably just spark more heated debate and it'll just go down hill from there. What we need is a global disaster which will wake up everyone to it. Even then, people will people argue the cause of the disaster and that it wasn't global warming.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I had a more structured post about this, but I've seemed to have lost it.

On another note, I had fun karaoking with ann and erica yesterday at my house, followed by lots of ice cream. hehe.



jason said...

a disaster isn't gonna do it
sadly, we've already had so many just in the last few years

hurricane katrina, the haiti earthquake, the current pakistan floodings just to name a few of the massive ones

and even smaller weather related anomalies like the flooding in qld and that retarded hailstorm we had in like ~april/may

the collective human psyche isn't about to change and align overnight by just any one event

jason said...

oh yeah and btw did you get my email?

lol my friend asked me if you've put it through yet

jediteoh said...

I was thinking more along the lines of The Day after Tomorrow disaster. Something of that magnitude, the world would take notice.

Yeah I have, I've sent it through to my manager. I'll let you know if I hear anything positive.

jason said...

k cool (Y)
lol you can tell me if you hear anything not positive too =]