Sunday, December 19, 2010

moving movies

What makes a movie moving to you? What makes you love a movie so much, you watch over and over again, no matter how old it becomes?

As of late, the movies I've been seeing have failed to impress. Most recently, we saw Tron 3D. It was a good movie, and despite it being a Disney movie, it was very mature in terms of action and plot. But nothing was there that really moved me.

So what movies have moved me. I guess what I really love is epic/inspiration movies. You know, those final speeches given by leaders before leading all their men to death, or that final surprise that allows victory, with all the glorious soundtrack behind it. The rising feeling in your stomach as you watch the movie, wanting to stand up and join in, that's what I love.

Emotional scenes work too. I think the climax of Tron near the end (without spoilers) could've moved me more if there were tears shed or something. The animation Up was quite touching in some scenes.

I hope a new movie comes out soon that meets these expectations.



jason said...

wish granted! percy jackson sequel coming out this year isn't it? =]

(mahjong tonight!!! yeah!!!)

jason said...

next year*

Ritzy said...

one word - PLOT!

plot moves movies ^^

Anonymous said...

this movie post offends me too teoh!