Friday, September 30, 2011

surviving the week

I am digging blogger's new layout/theme. In fact, I am digging all of the google transformation.

I am not digging the new facebook's privacy invasion.


I have never really liked the phrase TGIF. But today, after surviving two weeks of home alone, week of uni, multiple stress events and three days of full time work in Hopper's so far away Crossing, T.G.I.F.

Today I came home to a letter addressed to my mum, naturally I opened it (don't worry, I have been instructed to open all mail, I'm not a freak). It was from the Metropolitan Police, apologising and sympathising that she had become a victim of crime.

Victim of crime? VICTIM OF CRIME!?

My first thought was, no kidding, was my mum attacked before she left and never told me about it? Then I realised it was the Metro Police in London, West End. Then I remembered my family telling me about how my mum lost her wallet in London and suspected someone taking it from her bag. But never fear, the Metro Police has offered support for any mental or physical trauma she might have incurred and some local information about how to be safer. How nice.

Have a good Grand Final weekend everyone (that's all they talk about at work).


1 comment:

Anthony said...

Wow, I can't believe they send mail to 'victims' for support. Funny.