Tuesday, August 3, 2010

undercover boss

I have recently just watched episode 4 of undercover boss, and I must say, I really love it.

I know, it's mostly television-ised and there seems to be a lot of set up scenes and such in there. But a little part of me really hopes that some of it is true. Because I believe so much in the concept behind it.

I've only had 3 part time jobs in my life, but in all of those jobs I have experienced some awesome co-workers. The work environment is the easiest by far to make new friendships and become close with one another. You support and work together all the time, share the same issues, connect in a way unlike any other I have yet to experience. I have been lucky to have had 3 awesome part time jobs, and even luckier to meet the people that I have.

There are so many great people out there, and so many of them are found right down in the labor front lines. The positions don't have to be respectable or high class for people to be the same. The front line is one of the toughest positions there is and you have to work so hard to do your job well, and receive almost no recognition for it. The amazing people do it anyway.

My workplace is a good example. It doesn't take too much to do my job properly. As long as you meet certain targets, you're considered a good worker. However, I know many of my co-workers who go the extra extra mile. Will they get recognition for it? Not really. So why do they do it? Cause they're just decent people. You know who you are.

People like them deserve to be recognized and rewarded. I love watching the CEO meeting amazing people in their company, and then speak to them afterwards. I look forward to watching more of these inspiring stories.

Some day, if I'm ever a manager, or who knows, a top boss, I hope I will remember these stories.


1 comment:

Ritzy said...

i like the show too!! despite it does look kinda set up XD