Monday, November 2, 2009

I don't like green eggs and ham.

Nor do I like this present seasonal effects!

Don't get me wrong, I like the sun. It lets go to the BEACH, parks, play sport outside, BEACH, can go out without worrying about rain (obviously), oh did I mention BEACH!? But seriously. We go to the beach maybe 3 times, and you're bound to get sick of it.

I just returned from a walk around the lake...and I upon returning home, I immediately regretted venturing outside.

1. Eyes were streaming with tears from rubbing due to eXtreme itchiness.
2. Nose was completely running due to excessive sneezing
3. Rash was playing up along my leg and arms. An itchy one.
4. Something bit my finger, causing it to swell to HUGE proportions. I would take a photo, but I wouldn't be able to fit it in the one shot. I hope whatever bit me CHOKES ON MY BLOOD.

Addition to increased insect activity, sporadic days of extreme heat (which isn't helping my studies), ARGH I dunno, I think I'm more a fan of winter.

Or maybe I'm just being whiny. (or maybe I'm right..(or maybe..))
\\edit I think I had a complain about summer last year on thelooop. Things never change!


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