Friday, April 9, 2010

'night out.

happy 21st amanda and sharon. it was a good night out. still tired, so will do this in dot points.

fun to catch up with quite a few people. jali is still strange and funny. sam is such a mother (sat behind me so she could keep an eye on my speedometer). tim is so fashionable. saw hong dance haha.

speeches went alright. some nice improv and some not so nice improve haha. dave smashed them all with a great singing voice and talented guitar playing. awesome.

missed out on cake. >.<>

venue was nice: Moroccan Lounge. I liked the nice big sofa/bed thing, though more softness required.

and finally. after a year. talked to grace.

feel it all wash away. thanks dave for the extra 10 minutes. I know it must've killed you.


1 comment:

timtamz said...

lets go shopping teoh i need more clothes i don't know what smart causal means ahha